US President Joe Biden invites 40 leaders including PM Narendra Modi to climate summit

 The leaders' summit on climate will focus on the urgency and the economic benefits of stronger climate action. The two-day summit will be held between April 22-23, 2021.

US President Joe Biden has invited 40 world leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping for a virtual leaders summit on climate next month.

As per a statement by the White House on March 26, the leaders' summit on climate will focus on the urgency and the economic benefits of stronger climate action. The two-day summit will be held between April 22-23, 2021.

The climate summit will be a key milestone on the road to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which is scheduled to take place in November 2021 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Climate Summit Theme

The summit's theme will include galvanising efforts by the world's major economies to:

-Reduce emissions to keep a limit to warming of 1.5 degree Celsius within reach

-Mobilise public and private sector finance to drive the net-zero transition

-Help vulnerable countries cope with climate impacts.

Key Highlights 

•Forty leaders from across the world have been invited to participate in the summit including Indian Prime Minister, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Bhutan Prime Minister Lotay Tshering.

•The US President also invited the heads of countries that are demonstrating strong climate leadership, those that are most vulnerable to climate impact and those charting innovative pathways to achieve a net-zero economy.

•Few civil society leaders and business leaders are also expected to participate in the Climate Summit.

•The US President has urged the leaders to use the summit as an opportunity to outline how their countries can contribute to stronger climate action. 

•The United States is expected to announce an ambitious 2030 emissions target as its new Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement.

•The Climate summit will reconvene the US-led Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, which brings together 17 countries responsible for almost 80 percent of global emissions and global GDP.


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